We have had a relaxed attitude to updating the blog and emailing round everyone reminding them that it is knit night, that may be that we are caught up with Christmas knitting (see above) or that the very prospect of knit withdrawal as Christmas approaches is too much to bear.
Yes, there is no knit on Wednesday 24th and Wednesday 31st December but to cheer ourselves up we have a few knit nights out to look forward too.
Next Wednesday (17th) the lovely Picnic (Butter Market, Reading) is opening it's doors for the evening for a knitting special. No home baking required as we will be able to buy a delicious slice of something with a cuppa. Come along between 6.30-9.30pm.
We will meet again at jelly on Wednesday 7th January from the usual time of 7pm and then the following week, 14th January, we will be going en masse to The Royal College to see Emma's current work in progress.
I've shown you some of my Christmas knitting, now it's time to show me yours......