I was completely inspired by Wildfennels post below and the fact that we are returning to our newly wed knitter, bombella's house this week for knit night so I thought we should celebrate the love of knitting.
Any newly wed hubby who invites a group of renegade knitters to his house is a keeper! image from the cast off wedding
Knit night for Wednesday 3rd September will be at Bombella's - contact me for directions
We meet every Wednesday, that's right E V E R Y Wednesday, can you imagine! You don't have to come every week, we will be here doing our thing or there doing something else. So if you want to join us, leave a comment on our blog and we will get back to you to tell you where to find us, kind of like a knit night on the road.
this must be the coolest wedding album ever, i wonder if the groom has a brother...
maybe he has, we better crack on with our knitted hats ; )
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