Tuesday 10 June 2008

Continuing in a theme....

Knit night is tomorrow - hurrah

That is good because I have had a long long week and it is only Tuesday as I have written this

In fact there feels like there has been hardly any knit time in my house at all, and seeing as I knit whenever I can and too make me relax, that means that everything is at full tilt and there is no relaxing, so I found this movie and thought maybe that's what is needed

A metaphorical hug will do and then all is right in the world again.

Many congrats to Max, our knitting genius - in researching *knitted mortar boards* I found this article - I sped read it but found this interesting info for you *By the mid-fifteenth century Masters of Arts had a kind of knitted skull-cap, the caleptra.(30) In 1529 a pileus was allowed a candidate supplicating for the degree of Master of Arts* mmmmm, interesting!

see you at the workshops


BomBella said...

Congratulations to Max!
Thank you so much for the YouTube video! I must have needed that too. See you tomorrow x

iant said...

Please pass my congrats on to Maxine too. (I'd send her an email to say congrats but don't know how.) Great video, I think I needed that too. Loved the old lady at the beginning.