I Love, Love, Love my Dark Love gloves! And I thought the ecletic look of your stand was much more exciting than a more conventional look. I'll be doing a shop update in the next day or two, so you can choose your trade yarn and I can reserve it for you, if you like, or I can do a custom order if you prefer.
Thanks skein queen, I was meant to get your picture too but I forgot in all the hullabaloo!!! ha ha. It would be exciting if we get invited to do that show at SHp... I'll have to remember to tell the others x
Let me know when you have a shop update and I will post here x
We meet every Wednesday, that's right E V E R Y Wednesday, can you imagine! You don't have to come every week, we will be here doing our thing or there doing something else. So if you want to join us, leave a comment on our blog and we will get back to you to tell you where to find us, kind of like a knit night on the road.
Your stall looks absolutely gorgeous!
thanks ella, it is always a risk not going with the traditional white or black tablecloth - but it was more like us a jamboree of odd things ; )
see you weds I hope!
I Love, Love, Love my Dark Love gloves! And I thought the ecletic look of your stand was much more exciting than a more conventional look. I'll be doing a shop update in the next day or two, so you can choose your trade yarn and I can reserve it for you, if you like, or I can do a custom order if you prefer.
Thanks skein queen, I was meant to get your picture too but I forgot in all the hullabaloo!!! ha ha. It would be exciting if we get invited to do that show at SHp... I'll have to remember to tell the others x
Let me know when you have a shop update and I will post here x
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