I don't know the answer to this, but some of us outcastians became etsyians and some etsyians have become outcastians.
The founder, Rob Kalin has reached the goddess of American Life (sic)Martha Stewart for an interview on leap day - you can watch the footage courtesy of moth to flame here or see a web exclusive from martha
so what do you have to say about Etsy?

For me and my mate, Rachel, Etsy is an addiction worse than any drugs or alcohol! Daily dose is a necessity - and lack of it leads to withdrawal symptoms!
is rachel an etsy seller skeinqueen? Knitwit introduced me to etsy, she had been introduced by iamiant and it is all consuming ; )
It is exactly how I met you skeinqueen (and through your blog)
Rachel is an aspiring Etsian and has loads of beautiful stuff to put on but is procrastinating about opening her shop. She buys loads on there - and I mean loads and loads...
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