We are not even going to start this debate again about where we all sit in this debate (I think we all know what category we fit under) - you can check out an earlier outcast post
hereIf you need any further proof that knitting is an exhilarating seat of the pants activity why not join in the forthcoming
Sock Wars?
Now in it's 3rd year Sock Wars is the brainchild of Julie Gardner a 31 year old mother of 2 who after travelling Europe has returned to settle in her native Northern Ireland.
1,000 knitters took part in the first Sock Wars, making the " international sock of doom" and for Sock Wars II the pattern was called "scar" - a sock with a ridge down one side.
The players also post photos of the completed socks online, with some dramatising their "assassination" using fake blood or by lying on the floor beneath the pair they received.
If you are brave enough sign up to do battle you will be emailed a top secret assassination dossier on 9th May 2008. This file contains the details of your target and an exclusive, never-been-published-before knitting pattern with which to assassinate them.
To kill your target you must knit them the pair of socks in the pattern (your weapon) and mail it to them. Once your target receives your parcel they are dead and must post their death on the “fallen comrades” section of the sockwars site.
They must also immediately send you details of their intended target (who becomes your next person to assassinate) along with their unfinished knitting (which becomes your new weapon).
All the while this is going on, someone has been assigned you as their target…
Prepare to live in fear… Kill or be killed!
Sign up for the bloodbath at the
Sock Wars home.