Monday, 17 May 2010

Creating Together

Since the Knit A Poem letters and our Outcast banner we've worked together on two secret projects.
Emma's birthday mitts, an Outcast project for a special birthday.

The Skein Queen Hug Blanket, which the Outcasts contributed to along with other fans/friends of Skein Queen. Blogged about here.

Group projects are always fun but there's something extra special about these secret projects. The knitters conspire and strategise to combine their efforts into something greater than what the individual would achieve. The finished objects end up with such fantastic stories of their creation.


alabama whirly said...

you are right bombella, I love being in a group project that we didn't really know the end result

Wendy said...

Hi guys. I'm a brand new knitter (still trying to work out purling!) and would love to meet more experienced knitters for encouragement and advice. Can you let me know when and where you meet and if I should bring anything (other than my sticks & string). Cheers, Wendy