Over 700 knitters from around the world are getting involved by knitting letters and blank squares in readiness for the grand unveiling of the top secret poem in October.
Outcast have been knitting squares and we're proud to announce that next
Wednesday 9th September will be a special 'Knit Togther' night of sewing some of these squares plus some extras to take up with us to Iknit. The squares will be cerimoniously handed over to the lovely Poetry Society who have a stand at the event.
Join us for some poetry related knitting and sewing up, a cup of tea and slice of cake at Jelly in Reading from 7pm next Wednesday.
is the poem an animal? ape moo??
Meap! is something to do with Hiccup's. That doubtfully could be one of the poem words.;-)
Great project and I heard about it on your blog,so thanks again ladies
lol! maybe its animal related ;)
I love the idea of knitting a poem.
Is it too late to get involved in this project? I live in Dublin Ireland.
maybe I will =)
Hello, I’m hoping this doesn’t count as stalking or anything but I found you via the knit a poem for the poetry society (=lunchtime +avoiding shops +internet). . . I’ve been knitting on and off for years but never joined any groups for it and I think it’s about time I “came out” as a knitter to the world. Out of nervous curiosity, how many of there are you, have you all been knitting together for years, is there lots of “technical talk? (although I’ve been knitting for years I tend to just knit different squares and stripes in front of the TV for no real purpose) and if I’m allowed to come with a bag of knitting, smile and wave will you be nice to me?
I'm in Emmer Green and would like to join a knitting group close to me as poss. I'm not an absolute beginner, but still pretty much 'beginner' level, ie I'd love to learn from more experienced knitters. Are you still meeting at St Anne's? Could you supply me with time, details? Thanks.
Debbie Took at thisgeneration@btinternet.com
Hi Sam
You are more than welcome, we are off all abilities and there is probably more laughing than technical talk : )
don't be shy and come by and join us, we meet on wednesdays at 6.30 until 9 at jelly workshop, The Old Town Hall, Reading - hope too meet you soon : )
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