Wednesdays had become my favourite day of the week and then last Saturday happened and now I am caught between which is the perfect day.
Friday night, Debbie (skeinqueen)and knitchard hammond met me at The Maltings to do the initial set-up for Unravel (see post below). We hung the brand new large swanky SQ banner and I made random little areas for our Museum of the Mundane. It was quite quiet, hardly anyone was setting up but the reality was setting in.
Early Saturday morning (7.30!!!) I picked up wildfennel and melarno at the train station for our drive to Farnham with our few extra bits and pieces including some knitted cotton wool balls that Mel had whipped up. We got to Farnham, met the Royal Highness SQ and helped her unload her car which was full of yarn, there were no room for passengers in there.
Were we in a panic? Nope, calm as you like we just put a few labels up and then were sat down by 8.30am to start knitting Debbie's Ten O'Clock scarf (pattern available here). The only thing we were waiting for was the urn to get warm enough for a cuppa.
SQ's stall looked fantastic and it was hard to pick favourites, so unwisely no purchases were made before the doors opened. Then the doors opened and here was not much left. kiknits arrived and we all just chatted to people, answered random knitting dilemmas and just had a giggle. Before we knew it, it was 5pm, both wildfennel and melarno had ploughed a long way through their scarves and Debbie did not have much left to sell.
It was an inspiring day, bumping in to old friends, making new ones and just hanging out knitting - a perfect day.